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GRHPS Projects

See what we are working on!  We'd love your help.  Contact us at: volunteer@Glen if you can help out.


Please help us locate and share photographs of the 94 men listed on Glen Rock's Honor Roll plaque, which was affixed to The Rock in 1921.  This monument honors Glen Rock's men who served during The Great War.  These men enlisted from, or had a connection to, Glen Rock at the time of their service.


We have now extended this project to find photos of ALL World War I veterans who had a Glen Rock connection.  This project now includes ALL Glen Rockers who served during WWI, which includes any veteran who moved into Glen Rock after his service, or any vet who moved out of Glen Rock before his service.


Click here to see the photos collected so far.


Retired teachers, and volunteers extraordinaire, Barbara Schineller and Karen Mitchell have crafted a very special program for Glen Rock's 4th graders.  Presenting at the Museum at the Station and using items from the Historical Society's holdings, Barbara and Karen bring early Glen Rock alive for the students, who study local history as part of their school Social Studies curriculum.  This very popular program was started in the spring of 2014 and is offered free of charge to the Glen Rock school system.


The GRHPS archive includes a copy of a 1919 Sunday News supplement featuring homes and scenes from Glen Rock, Ridgewood and Midland Park.  Begun by volunteer Leo Brown in 2014, the 1919 Supplement Project is recreating this piece of local history. The goal is to photograph the featured homes and places that are still standing and juxtapose the modern shots with the photos from 1919 in a final product that will withstand public handling.  Our original 1919 supplement is too fragile for public display.


In 2013, the GRHPS designed and installed a photo gallery of historic Glen Rock scenes in the front lobby of the Glen Rock Municipal Building (aka Borough Hall).  This permanent photo gallery presents a visual history of early Glen Rock; it is open to the public, free of charge, whenever the building is open.


The lobby gallery is a gift to the Glen Rock community from the Glen Rock HIstorical & Preservation Society.  Funding was made possible in part through grant funds administered by the Bergen County Department of Parks, Division of Cultural & Historic Affairs through a General Operating Support grant from the N.J. Historical Commission, a Division of Cultural Affairs in the Department of State.

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Art by Jim Aber

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